ArtSpa Starter Class - LIVE
Participate in the class. Source your own materials. NO KIT included.
Service Description
Two hour interactive creativity course on Zoom platform, using art as a tool for wellness. Karen Mayer, artist, founder of SavvyArt Market, seeker of good living, will help you unlock the creativity that lives inside you, connecting you to your higher self by accessing and practicing mindfulness and being Present. Did you know increasing creativity in your life enables you to develop to your full potential? The experience includes an ArtSpa Kit 1.0. Be assured this is not a “paint night” experience resulting in another piece of art you don’t know what to do with. Find pleasure and joy in the power of connecting, slowing down and creating using simple luxurious art materials to be the creative you've always dreamed you could be! Join in to experience a retreat designed to surprise and spark your creativity, even if you don’t think you are creative. By participating in this art break, you will receive an ArtSpa Kit 1.0, delivered right to your home, that will transport you to a place of creative expression, delighting your soul with positive energy and cheer. Reward yourself the time to share this experience with a community of like-minded souls and be refreshed. Please join us for this time together, to take a break, breathe, connect, laugh and create in a non-stress environment. Classes scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays every 3 weeks. If these dates and times don't work for you please reach out with your preferences and we'll work with you to find a time and day that does work. Please allow 2-3 weeks to receive the art kit.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
33 Shepherd Rd #106, Oakville, ON L6K 2G6, Canada
(647) 558-8185