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Sample a Spark Your Creativity Workshop that teaches you how to reconnect with your creativity. 

  • LIVE in person. Virtually via Zoom sessions.

  • For individuals. Feel free to sign up with friends.

  • Learn the creativity skills you need to live your best life!

  • Enjoy self-fulfilling fun!

  • No experience necessary.

  • To improve connection to your creativity for the benefits!



Sampler List



ArtSpa for Entrepreneurs


ArtSpa was created by artist, art stylist,

author, entrepreneur

Karen Mayer


In 2010, mid-career I experienced an epiphany, which resulted in quitting my sales and marketing career. I worked in many sectors for government and private companies small and large, including sales, management consulting, and economic development roles. I quit a corporate lifestyle to build SavvyArt Market, an online art gallery. I had the vision of bringing the joy of art to people and their homes. It was an abrupt decision to activate my artistic side, but a calling I could not ignore.


I did not plan for all the challenges I encountered.

The online environment was uncertain. I couldn't find a small online gallery to model. Back then Shopify was not invented and sales funnels were not known to me and I never heard of GoDaddy, so I paid way too much money to build a website and market my gallery. I was slow to launch, questioning everything. I struggled to grow a community of followers and made many expensive decisions that didn't work out. I worked for free to better understand the business. The economy was still recovering from the 2008 recession, but I started the business anyway, because that's what entrepreneurs do. Answer a calling with perseverance and resilience.


I admit I wouldn't have been so resilient if I hadn't initially focused on restoring my connection to my innate creativity and inner peace for a year after I quit my high stress unbalanced lifestyle, working full-time and not taking care of myself. And when my business success looked uncertain, I turned inward towards my creativity skills to find the answers. That always worked for me. I have also learned that works for teams.


In 2019, I began to notice how the grind of daily life was negatively affecting people around me, worsening from the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic.  I got busy and created ArtSpa, an experience for people using art to reconnect them with their creativity, sharing the joy, fun and benefits of creative expression. The push to do so was confirmed in the form of a message on a Yogi tea bag, "inner peace creates peace in the world." This fired my passion to learn more about creativity.


I dove in head first and consumed research about creativity, volumes of studies and books from experts. I was inspired by what I learned about how much your creativity skills or lack of creativity can positively or negatively affect your life and business. With my love of all things art, I am very excited to share what I learned with all of you.  


At ArtSpa, we sincerely believe in the well-being, happiness and success of teams, which is directly linked to individual creativity skills.  Our mission is to help all kinds of teams develop, reconnect with and harness the power of their team's individual and collective creativity!"​

ArtSpa for Entrepreneurs



How late can I register for a workshop? You can sign up as late as 4 hours before on the day of the workshop. We recommend you take some time to collect the items and have them ready in preparation for the workshop.

Is this workshop really FREE? Yes it is. You use your own materials at home.

How many instructors run a workshop? The ArtSpa sampler is a virtual workshop. There is one instructor with one or two assistants who help with managing the Zoom session.

Is there a minimum number of participants? There is no minimum number and no maximum number of attendees.

What experience does the lead instructor have? Karen Mayer has 25 years of experience in management consulting, sales and marketing roles, including leadership and management positions before founding SavvyArt Market. All that experience leading teams was supplemented by various training programs in Teaching Adults, Facilitation, Presentation and Communication Skills. She is an artist, entrepreneur and Founder of SavvyArt Market online gallery and ArtSpa.

Why haven't I heard of ArtSpa? ArtSpa was invented in 2020 by Karen Mayer after much reflection on why she and the people she observed were struggling with skills like decision-making and unhappiness. Karen created ArtSpa to directly address people's disconnection from their innate creativity, which she feels is a major root cause of many challenges entrepreneurs and people are experiencing on a regular basis.

What if I want a different date or length of time for my workshop? We are happy to adapt an ArtSpa to meet your needs.

How much does an ArtSpa cost? This Sampler workshop is free. We offer ArtSpa courses in a range of prices. Go to course tab in the top menu for options.

What if I am shy or have mobility issues? We can adapt our workshop to cater to your needs.

Do you have in-person classes or workshops? Yes we do. Sign up for our newsletter on contact page and follow us on Instagram and Facebook to receive dates for upcoming in-person classes and workshops.

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